Rakul Preet Singh made her debut in Bollywood with ‘Yaariyan’ in 2013. The film bombed at box-office. Rakul is now most happening actress in Telugu having paired almost all the top stars. The petite beauty has been shooting for her second Bollywood flick. Titled Aiyaary, the film is being directed by Neeraj Pandey. First look poster of this film has been unveiled. Rakul will be pairing Sidharth Malhotra in this film also featuring Manoj Bajpayee. Aiyaary is shot in Cairo and Delhi. Currently the team is filming crucial scenes in Gurugram’s Cyber City Hub. Rakul and Sidharth are spotted at the location. Aiyaary was initially planned for release on January 26, 2018, but due to delay in shooting the film has been postponed to February 9, 2018.