Kriti Kharbanda who rocked the big screen with Pawan Kalyan in ‘Teenmaar’, is doing a Bollywood movie titled ‘Meri Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana’. The film’s unit had approached more than hundred actors for the female lead Aarthi.
Kriti appeared as Ram Charan’s sister in Bruce Lee. The Kannada beauty made debut in Bollywood with Raaz Reboot which didn’t turn a hit.
“We felt that Kriti Kharbanda would do justice to the role and we therefore signed up with her. Remuneration was also never a matter as the movie is important than money” said director Ratnaa Sinha in a promotional event. The movie will hit screens on November 10th. Touted to be a romantic entertainer, ‘Meri Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana’ has Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Kharbanda in lead roles.