The untimely demise of Costume Krishna, a well-known artist in Tollywood, has saddened the film industry. In the 80s and 90s, he began his career as a famous costume supplier for many artists in Tollywood. He surprised everyone with his acting prowess in his debut film, Bharath Bandh, directed by the late Kodi Ramakrishna. Later, he played a variety of roles in many movies showcasing his versatility as an artist. In addition to acting, he even produced movies like Pelli Pandiri with Jagapathi Babu, where he donned the producer’s hat.
Born in Lakkavarapu Kota, Vijayanagaram, Andhra Pradesh, Costume Krishna was a multi-talented artist, who contributed immensely to the Tollywood film industry. His demise has left many celebrities in shock, who expressed their deepest condolences to his family. The last rites will be performed today, and the industry will miss this versatile artist.
We extend our deepest sympathies to the late artist’s family, who will always be remembered for his contributions to the film industry as a costume supplier, actor, and producer. His legacy will continue to inspire and motivate the younger generation of artists.