On December 22nd Akhil is coming with his re-launch movie ‘Hello’ in Vikram Kumar direction. Akhil first movie was a disaster at the box office, so Nagarjuna has taken the responsibility of his next movie ‘Hello’ on his shoulders and produced it in his home banner Annapurna studios. The film unit is promoting the movie worldwide by revealing the film characters and conducting live program’s in abroad. Nani flushes out Akhil’s hopes on his movie, as natural star is coming on December 21st to theaters with his movie ‘MCA (Middle Class Abbai)’.Will Nagarjuna succeed in his attempt to see Akhil as a big hero. Will he get back his investment on his son? Can Akhil withstand Nani ‘MCA’ or will it be cutthroat competition between heroes.